There are huge perks of installing power saving technology in a house. It not only saves power and thus money, it also gives a much exciting way to life. Furthermore, the attractiveness of such a house gets increased manifold and buyers find such a house worth a higher price. Almost quarter of the power produced in the United States is consumed by houses spread across the country. A careful estimation tells a sad story of wastage of precious power in these households courtesy leaking windows and inefficient appliances. A regular air cooler used in common households takes half the power as compared to air conditioners but then people do not use it due to its impracticality in case of homes that leak cooling and thus require powerful air conditioners to do any good.
As a start, a family residing in a residence needs to see their house as an energy system. Power comes from a source and gets utilized in different places through the house. This power also gets leaked here and there brining no utility and just a bill to the family. And just like any other system, these systems are composed of different elements. For example, a furnace that has to heat the house comprises of a heating appliance, ducts that carry the heat to other area of house, walls, ceiling and floor that bears these ducts. Even if the appliance is top notch and exceptionally efficient, there still is a great dependence upon other elements. If ducts leak and walls and roofs are poorly insulated, much heat would get lost.
Here are some things that one can do today to save money on power bills:-
- Use air cooler that circulates air through the house instead of air conditioners that dehumidify the air at a much higher cost.
- Install programmable thermostats to save on heating. The same can be said about saving on air cooler with replacement of thermostat by programmable regulator.
- Turn lights and appliances off when they are not in use. Doing this saves more money than what one thinks. It is amazing how a television keeps using 85% of the power that is uses when on while it is on standby. Similarly, chargers of laptops and cell phones keep on taking full power even when not in use so they must be unplugged.
- Ideally heated water is 120 degree Fahrenheit and this is the level that the thermostat should find itself at.
- Only use dish washer and washing machines once they are full of dishes and clothes respectively to get better value.
- Instead of using much spinner, it is beneficial to use air and solar heat to dry clothes.
- Windows needs to be shut when house is being heated or cooled.
- For cars that run on batteries, sensible and speed limit driving uses far less power than it does in case of aggressive and high speed driving.
- Use appliances that are certified by efficiency measuring organizations.
- Use air cooler accompanied by high quality duct system.
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